Инженер-конструктор несуществующих миров
...потому что я как-то не придумал, что бы такое втемное снять. Вместо этого я наконец-то собрался и отсканировал свой чудесный гайд ко второй ДМК. В общем, этот гайд является символом того, как я умею ныть по поводу того, что у меня есть, но я об этом не знаю. Купил я его этой весной по принципу " а чтобы было для коллекции". Открывал пару раз, даже кое-какие комбо смотрел. Но по-настоящему разглядел его только сейчас. Во-первых, там есть два арта, которые меня безбожно радуют и по поводу которых я так страдал, не найдя их в приличном разрешении нигде в сети. Какое там разрешение, они там напечатанные на лист А4! Вот, собственно, оно, любуемся.
Но вообще, гайд я, сканировал, конечно, не за этим. Там есть куда как более занятная штука, а именно к каждой миссии приведены тексты Guidepost for Hunters, которые мелькаю на загрузочных заставках. Надо сказать, я и сам их не всегда читал, а если и читал, то особо не вникал, тогда как это довольно интересная штука. И, что особо замечательно, в начале прохождений за Данте и Люсию приведены краткие заметки. В которых наконец-то сказано, кто такая Матье и кто такая Люьска! Там был целый орден амазонок-полудемонов, однако!
Ниже я собрал все эти заметки. Не особо понятно, являются ли они инструкцией или же, наоборот, описанием уже свершившегося. В предварительной заметке к миссиям за Лючию есть намек на то, что Матье - провидица и это нечто вроде руководства. Непонятно тогда только, почему эти руководства для охотников и защитников во множественном числе.
The path of the Hunter is lined on all sides by the machinations of the wiked and despised/ Great are the challengers that arise, hut great also are the skills and the knowledge of the Hunter. Utilizing those skills and experience to surmount each obstacle requires a compendium of foreknowledge and expertise the likes of which are found herein.
Long ago, the devils ruling the Underworld combined forces in an attempt to invade and overthrow the world of the humans. A lone demon knight took pity upon mortals, and with his newfound sense of justice set out to defeat the demons and send them back whence they came. The name of this legendary knight was Sparda, and his story became renown in the Gnostic annals of supernatural history.
Several millennia passed, and a new threat rose against the mortal world from the demon kind. The ancient devil Mundus, lead¬ing an army of demonic creations, dispatched his four most trusted lieutenants to prepare for him a gateway into the world of the humans on Mallet Island. His plans to dominate the mortal dimension might have come to fruition, but he did not count on one element to come into play: Sparda begot a son by a mortal woman, the half-human half-demon Dante.
Having lost his mother and brother during an attack by demons several years prior, Dante established a private investigation firm specializing in hunting down and destroying supernatural creatures wherever they appear. The extermination services of the Devil May Cry detective agency can be purchased merely by uttering "the password", which can only be obtained through certain underground connec¬tions.
With the combined strength of his fathers heritage and the weapons of the devils that were passed down to him, Dante reclaimed the powers buried within him and followed in his fathers footsteps. Dante defeated Mundus and his devils, and sealed the breach between the mortal realm and the underworld.
Several years have passed. Dante is summoned by the Protectorate, a race of half-human, half-demon devil hunters such as him¬self, who have protected the ancient islands of Vidu Mali from the return of the devils that used to control the area. Flipping his trademark coin of Fate, Dante takes the assignment and sets off for Vidu Mali. His heritage is called upon once more to seal a rift between the worlds, forced by the demons that wish to enslave mankind.
"Toward the north, the hunter of dark blood will realize his destiny/ The protector of the land has marked the rendezvous point on the map. The hunter must navigate through the lands where the darkling have infested, where the living fear to tread in the streets. Upon suppression of an insurmountable number of foes, the key to a gateway is bestowed. The hunter shall then arrive at the outpost of the summoner."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter I Clause 3
"The summoner bids the hunter to embark upon a fateful quest. Though evil seeks to destroy the outposts of the protectors, a hidden passageway is revealed. In forgotten chambers deep beneath the earth, the hunter will strike at the faces of the old gods to reveal all that which was hidden. Though pitfalls shall plague the hunter, the igniting of the blue flames shall illuminate the path to the gemstone. The aerial heart will give the hunter the chance to reach the skies. "
-Guidepost tor the Hunters Chapter I Clause 8
"Though the Bridge of Sighs is fallen, the hunter can find an alternate path into the hideous city. From the door to death's catacombs, the hunter need only find the key to heaven's gate. The key to the next jour¬ney begins and ends with death. But the hungry one clings tightly to the object of desire."
-Guidepost tor the Hunters Chapter 2 Clause 4
"Near the water's edge ties the lair of a water demoness. To enter her domain, the hunter must acquire new levels of speed. She has many arms but only one heart, as she waits for the hunter deep in the water. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 4 Clause 5
"Desolate are the city streets borne of evil's will. Death’s ancient knight sends his familiars to test the will of the hunter. The path is opened through death, but guarded still by foes thought vanquished. Fear the machinations of mankind, for easily can they be brought info the service of hatred. A whirling winged one pursues the hunter high into the sky. Close to your eyes, but far off in your mind, the hunter must learn the value of options. Though the enemy stands in the path, escape is wiser than conflict."
-Guidepost tor the Hunters Chapter 5 Clause 4
"The city of evil is not constructed by the hands of man. The very materials are the bones and sinews of an ancient demon, conjured and summoned to be the brickwork for the sorcerer's schemes. The hunter has left the city derelict, and so the ancient awakens. Its extremities reach the sky. Its intestines reflect the color of darkness. Its name means a tower of misery. The hunter has discovered the deep root of evil."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 6 Clause2
"Evil's source is a wellspring of electric energy, drawn from the demon world and harnessed in steel and concrete. The hunter must enter the structure and acquire the tools crafted by the demons, in order to defeat them. A perilous ride through a deep passage in the earth shall guide the hunter to his destiny A meeting of power shall end in conflict."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 7 Clause 1
"The challenger shall rise, while the king evades. With but a gesture, the dark disciple can summon horror of the ancient world. Consuming all in wind and flame, this evil tyrant can only he defeated by а demon within. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 7 Clause 9
“Evil’s course is plotted, and the dark disciple shall discard all that which he has built. Bursting and burning, the power source of the dark wizard will consume itself in hatred in only short time. The hunter wiil discover the purity of speed.”
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 8 Clause 2
"Two lights will open the sealed door and guide the hunter to the deep underground. But the guardian of the doorway will not yield so easily. It's name means 'night flyer', and its offspring rule the dust."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 9 Clause 3
"The hunter must plummet to great depths within the earth, and leap to great heights. The machinations of the Old World must he discovered anew. For the underground temple of Argosax is guarded by his most skilled warrior. He wields a spear and is obeyed by the wolves. His single eye possesses knowledge and hate. He is the one who brings misfortune. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 9 Clause 6
"It is a sphere of death, a rotating electric field which feeds power to the whole. Thie hunter must smash the ancient machinery to open the path to the protector. When the hunter and protector meet, the last mistery will be revealed. But the hunter must attend to what the Protector left behind."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 9 Clause 9
"Bidden by the summoner, the hunter flips the coin of destiny to determine the fate of the protector. Evil keeps her hostage in the tower of corruption. The hunter will learn to feet with a leap of faith. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 10 Clause3
"The power of the demon world can warp the minds of men and stop the hands of time. In the time between seconds, reality is not what it seems. The dark forces can bend passages that once led to real destinations into circles of infinite confusion. The hunter must seek out and activate the keyposts of the demo realm. Four lights will open the door to the future and the past. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 11 Clause7
''Opening a passage through the demon world summons the denizens of the dark to protect the gateway. They swarm like clouds and desperately seek the hunter's dark blood. All must be laid waste before the gate can be entered unprotected."
-(Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 11 Clause 9
"Chaos ripens as the hunter runs toward the sky. When the hungry mouth is fed, the body is subjected to changes. Only through inviting the change and coming closer to the demon world will the hunter find the path through the intestines of evil. Rising from the bowels, the hunter must confront the head."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 12 Clause1
“Evil must be opposed and destroyed."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 12 Clause 9
"The hunter shall surpass all who came before him."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 13 Clause 1
Though the protector may be skilled and trained for survival, she is not prepared for horrors that the armies of evil have in store, nor the dark secrets, which may be unleashed. The foresight of her mother and seer is contained in the following pages. Use the information con-tained herein to determine the righteous path to redemption.
For centuries following the dawn of mankind, the islands of Vidu Mali stood as a monument to a great treachery forced upon the fledgling humans by the devils. Since that dark page in the history of the world, the islands of Vidu Mali were cleared of demonic influence and protected from that time by a race of heroic half-demon women. Lucia is the descendant of this line of heavenly protectors sworn to safeguard the sanctity of the islands, uphold the peaceful lives of the townsfolk, and secure the shrines wherein the Arcana once used to defeat the demons long ago are sealed.
Lucia has been training under the guidance of her mother and fellow Vidu Mali protector, Matier. Although her skills are still developing, the demons have suddenly invaded Vidu Mali once again. Matier feared this would happen, since the arrival of the evil sorcerer Arius several years before, and the subsequent building of the triumvirate skyscrapers, which house his diabolical Auroboros Corporation on the northern island. Now Matier must find a way to protect Vidu Mali from evil once again, but she is too old and her protege is not yet skilled enough to take on someone as powerful as Arius.
Matier summons the legendary devil hunter, Dante. Having known his father Sparda in previous years, she is certain that his skills will be nec¬essary to stop the evil and prevent the demon world from consuming our dimension. While Dante takes on the devils of Arius directly, Matier sends her daughter Lucia to the shrines of Arcana throughout Vidu Mali, in an effort to secure the ceremonial items before they fall into the hands of evil.
“Dispatched on a mission to gather the Arcana sought by the forces of evil, the descendant of the ancient half-demon clan must prevent the hand of the wicked from crushing the innocent. The threat of devils leads her away from her outpost, to the sound of the chimes. Toward the south, the protector will find the time."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 1 Clause3
“Oпе key to the demon world is being guarded in a tower, until the master comes to claim it. Also within the tower is a gem of power against the devils. The aerial heart will give the protector the chance to reach the skies. Activating the machinery awakens the prisoner who serves evil against its will. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 1 Clause 8
"In quiet desperation, the coastal town is hiding from the prowlers roaming the streets. The pro¬tector must collect the tools of justice and battle to the edge of the waters. High within the tower of light, the healing heart shall mend. For the protector needs protection as well, from the devil which would rend. She has many arms but only one heart, as she waits for the protector deep in the water. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 4 Clause 5
"The city of evil infested with corruption. Only one bear the heart of offense can surmount . Dodge flame tubes and navigate through the cracked city streets so that when the time comes, your path will be shown."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 5 Clause 6
"Evil's heart receives its power from the source. The source must be rooted out and exploited that the hunter may accomplish his task. The protector must rise to confront destiny head-on. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 7 Clause 1
"The protector, the king, and the truth. Distracted by betrayal, the protector must overcome the soul denizen of the other world. The path to the deep water temple will be revealed”
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 7 Clause 1
"Deep within the earth, the protector must find the strength to swim against the current. Rising above complications, only then can she send down the walls. Such actions may awaken that which was forgotten in the murky depths. Holy and filthy at the same time, some mysteries should be extinguished."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 9 Clause 2
"The protector's path to the final piece is a submerged den of murk and corruption. Rising above the waters, the fire of the gods must be used against them. Out of the abyss, the protector must rise to obtain the ceremonial object. Defeat the prisoner in the abyss and hand the hunter the mysterious vessel."
-Guidepost for die Protectors Chapter 9 Clause 9
"To prove its own identity, the protector points a blade toward the decayed king."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 10 Clause 5
“Evil corrupts the soil and fills the air with acidic taste. The protector must open a gateway to the foul one’s lair by briging illumination to the dark. Four lights will open the sealed door, but will also invite the creepy to play.”
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 11 Clause 7
"They swarm like clouds and desperately seek the protector's blood. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 11 Clause9
"The Protector scales the skyscraper believing in its own reason for existence. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 12 Clause 3
"The path to forgiveness is cleaned with blood."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 13 Clause 1
А дочитавшим до конца - три бонуса. Во-первых, это две страницы из гайда к первой части, в которых тоже есть кое-что любопытное.
осторожно, картинки огромные, чтобы был виден текст

Во-вторых, вот такой постер прилагается к гайду. Это только превью, а сам постер я даже пока не вынимал.
Ну и в-третьих - очередной портрет Данте. Ну разве ж я могу написать пост по ДМС, и чтобы без его фоточки?
Но вообще, гайд я, сканировал, конечно, не за этим. Там есть куда как более занятная штука, а именно к каждой миссии приведены тексты Guidepost for Hunters, которые мелькаю на загрузочных заставках. Надо сказать, я и сам их не всегда читал, а если и читал, то особо не вникал, тогда как это довольно интересная штука. И, что особо замечательно, в начале прохождений за Данте и Люсию приведены краткие заметки. В которых наконец-то сказано, кто такая Матье и кто такая Люьска! Там был целый орден амазонок-полудемонов, однако!
Ниже я собрал все эти заметки. Не особо понятно, являются ли они инструкцией или же, наоборот, описанием уже свершившегося. В предварительной заметке к миссиям за Лючию есть намек на то, что Матье - провидица и это нечто вроде руководства. Непонятно тогда только, почему эти руководства для охотников и защитников во множественном числе.
The path of the Hunter is lined on all sides by the machinations of the wiked and despised/ Great are the challengers that arise, hut great also are the skills and the knowledge of the Hunter. Utilizing those skills and experience to surmount each obstacle requires a compendium of foreknowledge and expertise the likes of which are found herein.
Long ago, the devils ruling the Underworld combined forces in an attempt to invade and overthrow the world of the humans. A lone demon knight took pity upon mortals, and with his newfound sense of justice set out to defeat the demons and send them back whence they came. The name of this legendary knight was Sparda, and his story became renown in the Gnostic annals of supernatural history.
Several millennia passed, and a new threat rose against the mortal world from the demon kind. The ancient devil Mundus, lead¬ing an army of demonic creations, dispatched his four most trusted lieutenants to prepare for him a gateway into the world of the humans on Mallet Island. His plans to dominate the mortal dimension might have come to fruition, but he did not count on one element to come into play: Sparda begot a son by a mortal woman, the half-human half-demon Dante.
Having lost his mother and brother during an attack by demons several years prior, Dante established a private investigation firm specializing in hunting down and destroying supernatural creatures wherever they appear. The extermination services of the Devil May Cry detective agency can be purchased merely by uttering "the password", which can only be obtained through certain underground connec¬tions.
With the combined strength of his fathers heritage and the weapons of the devils that were passed down to him, Dante reclaimed the powers buried within him and followed in his fathers footsteps. Dante defeated Mundus and his devils, and sealed the breach between the mortal realm and the underworld.
Several years have passed. Dante is summoned by the Protectorate, a race of half-human, half-demon devil hunters such as him¬self, who have protected the ancient islands of Vidu Mali from the return of the devils that used to control the area. Flipping his trademark coin of Fate, Dante takes the assignment and sets off for Vidu Mali. His heritage is called upon once more to seal a rift between the worlds, forced by the demons that wish to enslave mankind.
"Toward the north, the hunter of dark blood will realize his destiny/ The protector of the land has marked the rendezvous point on the map. The hunter must navigate through the lands where the darkling have infested, where the living fear to tread in the streets. Upon suppression of an insurmountable number of foes, the key to a gateway is bestowed. The hunter shall then arrive at the outpost of the summoner."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter I Clause 3
"The summoner bids the hunter to embark upon a fateful quest. Though evil seeks to destroy the outposts of the protectors, a hidden passageway is revealed. In forgotten chambers deep beneath the earth, the hunter will strike at the faces of the old gods to reveal all that which was hidden. Though pitfalls shall plague the hunter, the igniting of the blue flames shall illuminate the path to the gemstone. The aerial heart will give the hunter the chance to reach the skies. "
-Guidepost tor the Hunters Chapter I Clause 8
"Though the Bridge of Sighs is fallen, the hunter can find an alternate path into the hideous city. From the door to death's catacombs, the hunter need only find the key to heaven's gate. The key to the next jour¬ney begins and ends with death. But the hungry one clings tightly to the object of desire."
-Guidepost tor the Hunters Chapter 2 Clause 4
"Near the water's edge ties the lair of a water demoness. To enter her domain, the hunter must acquire new levels of speed. She has many arms but only one heart, as she waits for the hunter deep in the water. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 4 Clause 5
"Desolate are the city streets borne of evil's will. Death’s ancient knight sends his familiars to test the will of the hunter. The path is opened through death, but guarded still by foes thought vanquished. Fear the machinations of mankind, for easily can they be brought info the service of hatred. A whirling winged one pursues the hunter high into the sky. Close to your eyes, but far off in your mind, the hunter must learn the value of options. Though the enemy stands in the path, escape is wiser than conflict."
-Guidepost tor the Hunters Chapter 5 Clause 4
"The city of evil is not constructed by the hands of man. The very materials are the bones and sinews of an ancient demon, conjured and summoned to be the brickwork for the sorcerer's schemes. The hunter has left the city derelict, and so the ancient awakens. Its extremities reach the sky. Its intestines reflect the color of darkness. Its name means a tower of misery. The hunter has discovered the deep root of evil."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 6 Clause2
"Evil's source is a wellspring of electric energy, drawn from the demon world and harnessed in steel and concrete. The hunter must enter the structure and acquire the tools crafted by the demons, in order to defeat them. A perilous ride through a deep passage in the earth shall guide the hunter to his destiny A meeting of power shall end in conflict."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 7 Clause 1
"The challenger shall rise, while the king evades. With but a gesture, the dark disciple can summon horror of the ancient world. Consuming all in wind and flame, this evil tyrant can only he defeated by а demon within. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 7 Clause 9
“Evil’s course is plotted, and the dark disciple shall discard all that which he has built. Bursting and burning, the power source of the dark wizard will consume itself in hatred in only short time. The hunter wiil discover the purity of speed.”
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 8 Clause 2
"Two lights will open the sealed door and guide the hunter to the deep underground. But the guardian of the doorway will not yield so easily. It's name means 'night flyer', and its offspring rule the dust."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 9 Clause 3
"The hunter must plummet to great depths within the earth, and leap to great heights. The machinations of the Old World must he discovered anew. For the underground temple of Argosax is guarded by his most skilled warrior. He wields a spear and is obeyed by the wolves. His single eye possesses knowledge and hate. He is the one who brings misfortune. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 9 Clause 6
"It is a sphere of death, a rotating electric field which feeds power to the whole. Thie hunter must smash the ancient machinery to open the path to the protector. When the hunter and protector meet, the last mistery will be revealed. But the hunter must attend to what the Protector left behind."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 9 Clause 9
"Bidden by the summoner, the hunter flips the coin of destiny to determine the fate of the protector. Evil keeps her hostage in the tower of corruption. The hunter will learn to feet with a leap of faith. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 10 Clause3
"The power of the demon world can warp the minds of men and stop the hands of time. In the time between seconds, reality is not what it seems. The dark forces can bend passages that once led to real destinations into circles of infinite confusion. The hunter must seek out and activate the keyposts of the demo realm. Four lights will open the door to the future and the past. "
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 11 Clause7
''Opening a passage through the demon world summons the denizens of the dark to protect the gateway. They swarm like clouds and desperately seek the hunter's dark blood. All must be laid waste before the gate can be entered unprotected."
-(Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 11 Clause 9
"Chaos ripens as the hunter runs toward the sky. When the hungry mouth is fed, the body is subjected to changes. Only through inviting the change and coming closer to the demon world will the hunter find the path through the intestines of evil. Rising from the bowels, the hunter must confront the head."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 12 Clause1
“Evil must be opposed and destroyed."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 12 Clause 9
"The hunter shall surpass all who came before him."
-Guidepost for the Hunters Chapter 13 Clause 1
Though the protector may be skilled and trained for survival, she is not prepared for horrors that the armies of evil have in store, nor the dark secrets, which may be unleashed. The foresight of her mother and seer is contained in the following pages. Use the information con-tained herein to determine the righteous path to redemption.
For centuries following the dawn of mankind, the islands of Vidu Mali stood as a monument to a great treachery forced upon the fledgling humans by the devils. Since that dark page in the history of the world, the islands of Vidu Mali were cleared of demonic influence and protected from that time by a race of heroic half-demon women. Lucia is the descendant of this line of heavenly protectors sworn to safeguard the sanctity of the islands, uphold the peaceful lives of the townsfolk, and secure the shrines wherein the Arcana once used to defeat the demons long ago are sealed.
Lucia has been training under the guidance of her mother and fellow Vidu Mali protector, Matier. Although her skills are still developing, the demons have suddenly invaded Vidu Mali once again. Matier feared this would happen, since the arrival of the evil sorcerer Arius several years before, and the subsequent building of the triumvirate skyscrapers, which house his diabolical Auroboros Corporation on the northern island. Now Matier must find a way to protect Vidu Mali from evil once again, but she is too old and her protege is not yet skilled enough to take on someone as powerful as Arius.
Matier summons the legendary devil hunter, Dante. Having known his father Sparda in previous years, she is certain that his skills will be nec¬essary to stop the evil and prevent the demon world from consuming our dimension. While Dante takes on the devils of Arius directly, Matier sends her daughter Lucia to the shrines of Arcana throughout Vidu Mali, in an effort to secure the ceremonial items before they fall into the hands of evil.
“Dispatched on a mission to gather the Arcana sought by the forces of evil, the descendant of the ancient half-demon clan must prevent the hand of the wicked from crushing the innocent. The threat of devils leads her away from her outpost, to the sound of the chimes. Toward the south, the protector will find the time."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 1 Clause3
“Oпе key to the demon world is being guarded in a tower, until the master comes to claim it. Also within the tower is a gem of power against the devils. The aerial heart will give the protector the chance to reach the skies. Activating the machinery awakens the prisoner who serves evil against its will. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 1 Clause 8
"In quiet desperation, the coastal town is hiding from the prowlers roaming the streets. The pro¬tector must collect the tools of justice and battle to the edge of the waters. High within the tower of light, the healing heart shall mend. For the protector needs protection as well, from the devil which would rend. She has many arms but only one heart, as she waits for the protector deep in the water. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 4 Clause 5
"The city of evil infested with corruption. Only one bear the heart of offense can surmount . Dodge flame tubes and navigate through the cracked city streets so that when the time comes, your path will be shown."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 5 Clause 6
"Evil's heart receives its power from the source. The source must be rooted out and exploited that the hunter may accomplish his task. The protector must rise to confront destiny head-on. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 7 Clause 1
"The protector, the king, and the truth. Distracted by betrayal, the protector must overcome the soul denizen of the other world. The path to the deep water temple will be revealed”
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 7 Clause 1
"Deep within the earth, the protector must find the strength to swim against the current. Rising above complications, only then can she send down the walls. Such actions may awaken that which was forgotten in the murky depths. Holy and filthy at the same time, some mysteries should be extinguished."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 9 Clause 2
"The protector's path to the final piece is a submerged den of murk and corruption. Rising above the waters, the fire of the gods must be used against them. Out of the abyss, the protector must rise to obtain the ceremonial object. Defeat the prisoner in the abyss and hand the hunter the mysterious vessel."
-Guidepost for die Protectors Chapter 9 Clause 9
"To prove its own identity, the protector points a blade toward the decayed king."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 10 Clause 5
“Evil corrupts the soil and fills the air with acidic taste. The protector must open a gateway to the foul one’s lair by briging illumination to the dark. Four lights will open the sealed door, but will also invite the creepy to play.”
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 11 Clause 7
"They swarm like clouds and desperately seek the protector's blood. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 11 Clause9
"The Protector scales the skyscraper believing in its own reason for existence. "
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 12 Clause 3
"The path to forgiveness is cleaned with blood."
-Guidepost for the Protectors Chapter 13 Clause 1
А дочитавшим до конца - три бонуса. Во-первых, это две страницы из гайда к первой части, в которых тоже есть кое-что любопытное.
осторожно, картинки огромные, чтобы был виден текст

Во-вторых, вот такой постер прилагается к гайду. Это только превью, а сам постер я даже пока не вынимал.
Ну и в-третьих - очередной портрет Данте. Ну разве ж я могу написать пост по ДМС, и чтобы без его фоточки?
@темы: фото, матчасть, Devil May Cry, Безопасность ЖизнеДеятельности, Dante
01.01.2013 в 17:54
01.01.2013 в 18:00
01.01.2013 в 18:06
Я вдруг подумал: а если этот Guidepost существует во вселенной ДМК как книга, то можно его упоминать и в кроссоверах.
01.01.2013 в 18:10
01.01.2013 в 18:10
Мистер Ирбис, пусть твоя сила воли с блеском его выдержит) Если тренировка не заключается в "удержаться и ничего не делать"))
01.01.2013 в 18:12
01.01.2013 в 19:02
01.01.2013 в 19:18
01.01.2013 в 19:53
Приятно что кому-то еще это интересно, и вообще люблю копаться в истории, сколько бы я не знала о Дмк, мне никогда не знать о ней все.
Многие считают что вторая часть мягко говоря не очень и вообще не относят ее к игре, я с этим в корень не согласна, и мне интересна любая информация об этой части истории.
Фотография очень классная, красавец просто) глаз не оторвать
02.01.2013 в 08:45
А поздравлятор вот:
19.07.2013 в 15:24